Bridging the gaps to 2030: the bold and rapid actions that will drive gender equality in energy
Missed the conference? Watch the livestream here.
Hybrid event: Prince Phillip House, London SW1Y 5DG and streamed online
POWERful Women is working towards a gender-balanced, diverse and inclusive UK energy sector fit for the energy transition.
Join us for our 2024 Annual Conference, taking place on Wednesday 6 November in London and online!
In our 10th anniversary year, we will be challenging the sector to accelerate the pace of change. We have our eyes firmly on our 40% by 2030 goal for women in leadership and middle management and ultimately a gender-balanced energy sector that can deliver a successful, equitable and affordable energy transition.
As data reveals that progress is stalling, we will explore what bold and rapid actions organisations and individuals can take to address the most difficult and persistent challenges and to bridge the diversity and inclusion gaps to 2030 and beyond.
POWERful Women’s Annual Conference is the forum for UK energy companies – their leaders, managers and DEI professionals – to engage with peers, specialists and women working in the industry.
Click here to secure your ticket
Come and hear from our fantastic line-up of C-suite speakers, DEI experts and advocates from both within and outside the energy sector, including government, regulators and allies. And leave with practical, actionable ideas and insights that will make a difference to you and your organisation.
We will also be running our popular interactive workshops during the afternoon, on a selection of DEI topics as chosen by our network.
Plus, there will be the usual fantastic networking opportunities over coffee, lunch and a drinks reception.
The conference will be a hybrid event: in-person at Prince Phillip House, London SW1Y 5DG and streamed online (expert DEI workshops to be delivered in person only). (Morning livestream only available: in-person tickets sold out.)
09.30 Registration and coffee
10.00 Welcome from POWERful Women
10.15 Ministerial Address
Sarah Jones MP, Minister of State for Industry (DESNZ and DBT)
10.30 Launch of Energy Leaders’ Coalition Annual Report 2024
Cordi O’Hara OBE, President, National Grid Electricity Distribution, and incoming Chair of the ELC
10.45 BREAK
11.15 Session 1 – Accelerating gender diversity and inclusion: insights from the energy sector on what is working, why it matters and the bold actions required to overcome remaining challenges
Moderator: Sarah McFarlane, Chief Correspondent, Energy Transition, Thomson Reuters
12.15 Session 2 – Insights from outside the energy sector on accelerating gender diversity and inclusion: good practice that the energy sector can learn from
Moderator: Nick Wayth, Chief Executive, Energy Institute & PfW Board member
13.15 Lunch & networking
14.45 Move to workshops
Delegates choose one of four workshops running concurrently.
1. ‘Building Inclusive Workplaces that Work for all Genders’ Men For Inclusion
As the industry starts to grapple with resourcing for the green transition, ensuring that women and others outside of the majority group are welcomed, included and flourish is key to success. In this workshop the expert team from Men for Inclusion will facilitate discussion on the current challenges and lived experiences of those from underrepresented groups and how to engage the passive and resistant majority in DEI initiatives.
This workshop is aimed at: Supporting business leaders, line managers, transformational change professionals and HR / People Management leaders within companies.
Watch the teaser video here:
2. ‘The Power of Communication’ Emberson Marketing
If you want to drive change and make a positive difference in the world, you’ll need to be an effective communicator. But how do you get your voice heard amidst the constant noise and distraction of our always-on society?
In this workshop you’ll learn about the enduring principles of good communication. With Emberson Marketing you’ll explore how the best brands manage to cut through the noise to inspire change, and how you can employ some of those techniques to help you use your personal brand to become a better communicator and support the drive for a gender-balanced, diverse and inclusive energy sector.
This workshop is aimed at: Supporting business leaders, DEI and recruitment professionals within companies and supporting women in their careers.
Watch the teaser video here:
3. ‘Plugging the ED&I data gap in your organisation’ EDF Energy
Jane Francis, EDF’s Head of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Liam Bennett-Murray & Wiktoria Zmurek of EDF’s People Analytics team will share EDF’s successful approach to gathering and reporting diversity data. In this workshop you will discover how to effectively leverage your organisation’s data to improve diversity metrics and embed inclusion in your strategy. It will provide the insights you need to make a lasting impact, and you’ll leave with practical strategies to close the ED&I data gap in your organisation, empowering your journey towards a more inclusive future. Don’t miss this opportunity to elevate your ED&I efforts!
This workshop is aimed at: Supporting business leaders and DEI leads within companies.
Watch the teaser video here:
4. ‘Sponsorship – why it’s needed and how to get it right’ Bain & Company
The evidence is clear: sponsorship can play a significant role in fostering inclusive workplaces and in ensuring the retention and advancement of diverse and underrepresented talent. However, only a few organisations have optimised their sponsorship programmes to achieve DEI goals – and not enough women feel clear on how to make the most of sponsorship. This workshop will cover the case for sponsorship, what best-in-class sponsorship programmes look like, and how women can most effectively leverage their sponsors to advance their careers.
This workshop is aimed at: Supporting women in their careers and DEI professionals and line managers within companies.
Watch the teaser video here:
16.00 Move back to main conference room
16.10 Conference reflections and thanks
Ola Balbaa, PfW Young Professional Board Member
16.20 Conference ends followed by DRINKS RECEPTION
See our event programme below:
With thanks to our 2024 conference sponsors: