Company Case Studies

A key part of our ‘Support’ work is to provide practical information and guidance to companies in developing their diversity, equity and inclusion policies and initiatives, including sharing good practice on the DEI measures that are making a difference.

2024 Case Studies

To bring some practical examples and real-world inspiration, we have captured insights from top performers from our Annual State of the Nation published in May. These highlight the journey these companies have been on, where they have faced challenges, and what has really moved the needle for them.

Here we are making them available as downloadable pdfs:

    • bp has achieved gender parity on its board and for executive directors on the board and is very close to gender parity at the leadership level. Click here to view their case study


    • Harbour Energy is one of the few companies to achieve 40% or more female representation on all levels—board, executive directors on board, leadership, and middle management. Click here to view their case study




2023 Case Studies


The following suite of case studies shows good practice and leadership in action within the energy sector. They were published in November 2023 as part of the Energy Leaders’ Coalition 5th Anniversary Report.


Here we are making them available as downloadable pdfs, to help you find, share, learn and advocate for good practice inside and outside your organisation. Simply click the links next to the individual images below to download as a PDF.


We hope you find them as useful and inspiring as we did.


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2022 Case Studies


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2021 Case Studies


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To download the ELC’s combined 2020 report case studies, click here.