POWERful Women Breakfast with Oona Muirhead – 27 May 2020

How to become a Non-Executive Director – 27 May 2020 from 8am-9.30am (Online)


The POWERful Connections mentoring programme expanded some time ago to also offer breakfasts for senior women in energy looking for professional growth and career development. In a format that’s worked really well to date, a POWERful Women Ambassador and/or POWERful Connections Mentor hosts a breakfast meeting for approx. 5 women in our network, focusing on a theme, for an 1.5 hours.
These sessions have included topics such as ‘How to be a leader’ and ‘How to become an NED in a way that’s right for you’ which was so popular we’ve decided to cover it again.
If you are a senior female in energy with 10 years’ work experience, 5 of which are in energy, and you are actively seeking a Non-Executive Director position, Oona Muirhead can help. 

Oona has mentored several women on the network through POWERful Connections. She is the former Chief Executive of a business support agency, with over 30 years’ experience of Whitehall, local and regional government. Since 2012, Oona has combined executive-level business development roles with non-executive roles in the public, private and not-for-profit sectors. She is currently non-Exec Director for the Office for Nuclear Regulation, a Director of MSS Global (a small high-growth ethical auditing company), and a non-exec business adviser to a cross-party think tank working with Parliament and Whitehall.

On 27 May from 8am-9.30am Oona will be hosting a zoom meeting to help you become a Non-Executive Director.