POWERful Women’s Annual State of the Nation 


Launch of the 2021 statistics on gender diversity 

at the top of the UK energy sector 


19th May 2021

10:45 – 12:15

Virtual Event 



On 19 May 2021, POWERful Women (PfW) will host a virtual event for an audience of industry professionals where we will publish our Annual ‘State of the Nation’ on gender diversity at the top of the UK energy sector. 


  • How diverse are the boards of UK energy companies in 2021? 
  • How much progress have we made in the past year on the representation of women at the top table and in the leadership pipeline?
  • What more can be done by government, regulators and companies to drive change, and what is already being done?


All these questions and more will be answered at the launch of our annual gender diversity statistics, an important part of our campaigning and reporting work to provide transparency and support companies, such as the Energy Leaders’ Coalition, in setting clear expectations on progress. 


In partnership with PwC, updated data is currently being gathered on the number of women on boards, in executive director roles and in the pipeline to these leadership positions in the top companies in the UK energy sector, focussing on the significant employers.  


Government and the regulators have the power to create an expectation of industry and in supply chains. Hear what Minister Trevelyan and the regulators have to say on the latest statistics, and how and why we should continue to shift the dial. 

The Event is open to anyone at no charge


Of the event, speaker The Rt Hon Anne-Marie Trevelyan MP, Energy Minister, says:

“I am passionate about attracting and retaining the talent the UK needs to successfully transition to clean, green energy and tackle climate change, so I’m looking forward to seeing what progress we’ve made in 2021 on improving the representation of women in the UK’s energy sector.”





^ (Please sign up for an Energy Institute account to register and then validate your email address. Don’t forget to check your junk mail for the verification email. Any problems registering- please let us know by contacting grace@powerfulwomen.org.uk)



This is where we were in 2020: 

Check out  our  2020 video  to learn more about where we are now, where we want to be and why the sector needs to change. 





10.45 – 10.50Welcome by the Chair, Elisabeth Hunt, Partner, PwC UK
10.50 – 11.05Keynote Speech: The Rt Hon Anne-Marie Trevelyan MP, Minister of State (Minister for Business, Energy and Clean Growth)
11.05 – 11.20Launch of the POWERful Women 2021 Annual State of the Nation Statistics on Gender Diversity at the Top of the UK Energy Sector. Where we are and where we want to go.


Ruth Cairnie, POWERful Women Chair

11.20 – 12.00Role of the regulator in encouraging the sector to improve gender diversity and inclusion. Net Zero and future skills. Panel discussion followed by Q&A.


Panel: Jonathan Brearley, CEO, Ofgem and Dr Andy Samuel, Chief Executive, Oil & Gas Authority


Moderator: Juliet Davenport, CEO, Good Energy Plc



12.00 – 12.10Closing Speech, Ruth Cairnie, Chair, POWERful Women
12.10 – 12.15Final words from the Chair, Elisabeth Hunt, Partner, PwC UK


