As Global Offshore Wind 2020 recently took place, it’s a good time to remember that the growth of renewables and the energy transition will require the very best talent – which means we must all do better on diversity and inclusion, not just in our own companies but reaching out into the sector and supply chain.
To find out more on the WHY but especially the HOW, check out the recording from this great webinar recently by Scottish Enterprise, which PfW partnered on. It features a great line up including:
– POWERful Women Ambassador, Aniela Foster-Turner from Siemens Gamesa, speaking about what D&I means, why it matters and the work of PfW
– Andy Horne of EDF (UK), one of our Energy Leaders’ Coalition companies, who shared their great work on rolling out diversity and inclusion into their supply chain – with lots of practical advice for other companies to consider.
Thank you to all involved for great contributions and a really useful event.
Click here to check out the webinar recording.