PfW on the look-out for mid-career women in energy volunteers

PfW on the look-out for mid-career women in energy volunteers


The POWERful Women board is on the look-out for passionate women who are a mid-career professional in the UK energy sector (or a D&I leader working in this space to help us identify barriers to career progression and solutions for supporting progression to climb the ladder into more senior roles as well as retention of women in the energy sector. 
Are you a mid-career professional woman working for a UK-based energy company or aspiring towards middle management? Have you hit a glass ceiling? Are you making good progress to the top? Or perhaps you’re a passionate D&I leader committed to shifting the dial? Your anonymous views will allow us to understand the challenges women face in the energy sector today and form a strategy to enable POWERful Women to provide better practical D&I support to the UK energy companies.
We will be conducting interviews to investigate these topics across the next few months. If you would like to be interviewed to support us on this research mission, please get in touch via All participants will be kept anonymous.