The way we generate and use energy in the UK is changing. What kind of leadership do we need to future proof our sector? How do we actively include women in the energy transition to ensure that we can meet the challenges and maximise the opportunities that lie ahead? And how can aspiring women equip themselves to play a part, all the way up to the boardroom?
We welcomed over 250 delegates to our second Annual Conference on 16May 2019, held in London in association with BEIS.
Some of the industry’s most influential CEOs and professionals gave their perspective on the kind of leadership and diverse skills and talent we need to future proof our sector – and discussed how to create balanced teams that actively include women in the energy transformation.
It was a day of inspiring speakers, new ideas and challenging debate. You can read further about the dayhere.
The full POWERful Women Conference Programme can be viewed or downloadedhere.
2019 Board Statistics and Energy Leaders Coalition First Anniversary Report
POWERful Women’s Chair, Ruth Cairnie presented the ‘state of the nation’ as we launched our 2019 Board Statistics. She urged the sector’s biggest employers to work with POWERful Women to really start to move the dial on diversity.
Women now occupying 16% of UK energy sector board seats – up from 13% last year. This is marginal improvement but progress is still too slow.
Women now occupy 6% of Executive Director board seats – same level as last year. It is extremely disappointing to see no movement on this at all.
42% (33) of the top 80 UK energy companies have all-male boards. While we have seen some improvement from the 50% this time last year, this is still a staggering statistic and shows how far we still have to go to increase gender balance across the energy sector.
36% of companies have only one female board member.
22% of companies have two or more female board members.
10% of companies have one female executive board members.
1% of companies have two or more female executive board members.
At our 2018 Conference, POWERful Women launched the Energy Leaders’ Coalition (ELC) – you can read the press release here and see more about the Coalition here. The leaders of eight of the UK’s leading energy companies, made a public commitment in May last year to improve gender balance within their own companies and the sector as a whole. At this year’s Conference, we published the First Anniversary Report for the ELC – on its progress in the past 12 months. The CEOs are urging a renewed effort to drive up the number of women at senior levels in the energy sector, to meet the challenges that lie ahead, and urging other energy leader to follow them in making a public pledge.
The Press Release on the Board Stats can be viewed or downloaded here.
The First Anniversary Report can be viewed or downloaded here.